Writing Prompt: The God-Perspective

Today, we are going to simulate an out-of- body experience through writing. Write a complete narration of a day in your life from an omniscient perspective. Sit beside yourself in your office, home, or wherever you are or were. Observe your mood and activities without interfering (attempting to embellish or exaggerate). Walk with yourself; notice … Continue reading Writing Prompt: The God-Perspective

Lit Crawl: St. Louis Public Library (Central)

For our third and final LitCrawl destination, we will visit the St. Louis Public Library Central location downtown. Throughout the course, we have discussed how to brainstorm ideas, build a working outline, and decide which narrative arcs to follow or avoid. For this class assignment, you will take your chosen piece from our in class … Continue reading Lit Crawl: St. Louis Public Library (Central)

Labor Leaders Exhibit

The Workers' Rights are Human Rights: Labor Leaders Past and Present essay and poster are exhibit is now open and traveling between St. Louis Community College campuses. The exhibit which is available online @ laborleadersexhibit.com, features poster art and essays created by STLCC honors students, guest artists, and visiting scholars. The works are dedicated to … Continue reading Labor Leaders Exhibit